To charter or to own - the Leewards...
I'm stretched to own 1/2 of Spindrift, my Islander Bahama 28 Dog Days, and then buy my own cruising boat for the Caribbean. I could sell Dog Days, but that's the boat I know I want to sail until I can no longer sail - easy to single hand, just the right size for one person - so selling her is off the table. I could sell my half of Spindrift and then buy another cruising boat, or Deb could sell her half of Spindrift to me, but then she would have no boat at all.
Meantime, I'm buying a condo and having surgery on my left ankle, which will totally occupy me until mid-summer and probably longer. So the partnership on Spindrift continues through this sailing season. ... but on to the Leewards adventure.
02/01 – The first day of February was a day of travel. It is a fourteen to seventeen hour sail from the British Virgins to St Martin, which we chose not to do. Instead, we flew from Tortola on Liat Airline to St Maarten (the Dutch side), which took us about seven hours – long waits at the airport, a delayed flight, and lots of traffic from St. Maarten to the Sunsail base at Oyster Pond in St Martin. After a late lunch at Captain Oliver’s, we check in and moved aboard Big Foot, the same Beneteau Oceanis 393 we’d chartered a year before. She appeared in good shape, although over the course of our charter we discovered she had the same weak battery problem that had existed the first time we were on here, and this time the heads really had been abused and had smells that just wouldn’t go away.
02/02 – Provisioning! We caught a taxi down to the market with four Dutch fellows who were the provisioning detail for their all-male ten-person bonding charter on a large catamaran. Really nice, fun guys, and we kibitzed through the ride and for an hour and a half of shopping at the market. Back at the boat, we stowed all the supplies, checked out all the systems, and finally declared the boat ready at about 14:00. We decided to spend the rest of the day at Oyster Pond, relaxing, eating, and seeing off our new Dutch acquaintances.
St. Barth…
02/03-02/05 – We departed St Martin for St Barth at 09:30, Deb at the helm, a double reef in the main, following the Sunsail chase boat out the channel behind the hidden reefs and directly into ten and twelve foot seas. It was a wild ride, which photographs unfortunately do not capture. As the chase boat literally leapt three or four feet above the water going over swells, Deb motored along at 2500 rpm and the Beneteau almost seemed to leap free of the ocean as well.
St. Barth is a lively island, well-off, and filled with megayachts. But we arrived on Sunday, and when we went into immigration at 16:00, there were few people about the streets. We finally found a place to get something to eat, across from Le Select, the bar that Jimmy Buffett frequents, and determined that Monday would be the day to explore the town.
Tuesday was Carnival! (Click here for photos) We went ashore early, thinking it would be super crowded, and we probably jumped the gun. But we enjoyed counting the megayachts (over twenty med-tied at the quay), and climbed up the hill separating the harbor from the sea. We considered two or three other restaurants, but ended up back at the Bistro, where we saw that Jimmy must be in town because Groovy was all ready to be sailed – covers off, bottom cleaned, flag flying.
02/06 –
We got up early and departed for St Eustatius (Statia), almost 30 nautical miles to the Southwest. We had a beautiful sail with 17-20 knot winds deep off the beam, averaged 5.5 kts and actually hit 9.9 kts coming down off one swell. It took us five and a half hours, and we found a nice spot to anchor just above the commercial dock. Statia is a small Dutch island, which the Dutch government has put quite a bit of money into for historical restoration. Most visitors come by air and stay at hotels. There is a medical school and a big oil industry presence. Overall, it’s quiet and an enormous opposite from St Barth.
We also witnessed our first “green flash” while standing on the deck of the Old Gin House. Of course, even with my digital camera on motion-picture setting, I couldn’t capture it for posterity, but it was definitely there!
On to St. Kitts…
02/07-02/08 – Statia was a roily night, and we decided to move south to St Christopher (St. Kitts). Although it seems quite close to Statia, it was a 22.2 nm journey down to Basseterre, the main anchorage and main city of St. Kitts. It was a close haul the entire way, on which we averaged 4.4 kts and managed to hit 7.5 kts at one point. It was a long five hours.
What a strange feeling to tie up at a seemingly derelict dock and climb up into a working commercial port surrounded by trucks and containers being unloaded and stacked. We finally found customs and immigration (they now have a new office down at the cruise ship docks, but if you aren’t at the marina or anchored in the small, roily spot adjacent to it, you wind up at the commercial port). The customs officer was very nice and, after he’d checked us in, gave us a ride into the marina and town center.
A taxi to us back to the deep water port, and we spent an uneventful evening aboard Big Foot. At least we got an internet connection (there is a free Linksys network of Wifi in the islands, which we’ve found fairly good, and we usually can get on from the boat with a booster antenna), and we had a snack dinner.
Sail down to Nevis…
Nevis, like St. Kitts, is working hard to try and attract tourism and is capitalizing on preserving their natural environment. One of the efforts to this end is to try and eliminate anchoring by visiting boats, and to this end the government has installed over sixty brand new white mooring balls laid out in four long rows off Pinney’s Beach. They have also put in five yellow quarantine mooring balls just off the town dock. The mooring field off Pinney’s is lovely, but there is no dinghy dock along, except at the Four Seasons, which is private. One can pull their dinghy up on the beach at Sunshine’s or at the Double Deuce, but if you want to stay dry, the dinghy dock in town is a bit of a ride. Since we wanted to stay dry and use the dinghy dock, we decided to anchor in the roomy harbor at Charlestown, where at least one other boat had dropped the hook.
When we went in and cleared customs on Saturday, the agent said nothing about the mooring balls and also failed to tell us that we also had to clear immigration, despite the fact we had a boat pass from St. Kitts immigration to visit Nevis. When we went in to town on Monday, we were stopped as we walked off the dock by a local harbor police officer, who asked if we’d come in on the ferry or by boat and then if we’d cleared immigration. We told him what we had done the day before, and he directed us to the little immigration office, which was closed the day before, although the immigration officer assured us he had been there.
While Deb waited behind another skipper to check in with him, I walked over to the tourist office where I was assured we could get a weather report. There I picked up a fancy and clearly expensively produced color brochure that described the new mooring system on Nevis. The tone, frankly, was not very welcoming, but it did make clear how to pick up the moorings, the check in procedure and so forth. It also said one could not anchor in swimming areas, but it did not say anchoring was prohibited.
When I arrived back at immigration, Deb was just finished, and when I showed her the brochure she laughed because the immigration officer had explained that anchoring was forbidden now but had nothing in writing to show her. He’d been looking all over his office for some document, which most likely was the brochure. In any case, Deb said we were well anchored, had been well anchored for two nights in the same spot, and she was not inclined to move to a mooring ball off Pinney’s Beach. He charged her for one night on a mooring ball, and left it unclear as to whether we would move or not. We stayed on anchor, and no one said a thing.
Back to Statia…
2/12-02/13 – The sail back to Statia was a great downwind venture, 30.8 miles at an average of 5 kts. We decided just to sail on the jib, since it looked like there might be some gusty conditions. From Nevis to just above Basseterre on St. Kitts, it was smooth and sunny. “Otto” the autopilot performed flawlessly, and even Deb used it when she was at the helm. Then we were hit by a squall – I was at the helm and Otto kept the boat right on course through a couple of gusts of a little over 25 knots. I was wet as was the cockpit (we had no dodger on this boat), but the sun came out and quickly dried things off. A few minutes later a second squall hit us, and this time a gust of over 30 knots was more than Otto could handle. By the time I got auto off and had the helm in hand, we’d rounded up, done a 360, hit 8.6 knots and were merrily on our way again.
When we arrived in Statia, the close in anchorage was too crowded, we thought, so we managed to get one of the four or five Marine Park mooring balls a bit further out. In the process, I dropped the boat hook, Deb tried to maneuver the boat to get it two or three times, and I finally got in the dinghy to retrieve it. Once secured on the mooring ball, we didn’t linger long aboard. It was terribly roily, so we decided to go ashore and get a drink and perhaps dinner.

The next day the seas were up and winds high. Thursday looked like the best day in the next four for sailing to St. Martin, so we decided to spend another night ashore. We had a lovely time wandering around Statia during the day, and that night had a wonderful barbecue with live music and dancing at the Gin House, joined by our new acquaintance Marit Dijkstra and her father, who were on holiday from St Maarten.
To St. Maarten…
02/14-02/17 –
We re-discussed the weather and finally decided to leave Statia around 09:00. We motored out of the anchorage and through the oil tankers to the north end of the island, and once beyond the gusts coming off the island put out not quite a full jib. The seas were six to eight feet with an occasional ten-foot swell, and the winds the predicted 14-18 knots between a close and beam reach. It turned out to be one of the nicest sails we had. We made 39.9 nm in a little over six hours, averaging 5.6 knots and hitting 9.3 coming down off of one swell. And, we decided not to use Otto, so we took turns at the helm.
We found a nice spot to anchor in Simpson Bay, checked in at customs, and found dinner at Picante, a restaurant right off Simpson Bay run by Felipe Gomez, a Colombian who spent a long time in the San Francisco Bay Area. His cousin Chia was there as well, and she actually lived on Koch Lane in San Jose, not more than six blocks from my old family home, and she lived as well in Morgan Hill, where I had lived, and a brother owned a restaurant in Gilroy, which I had eaten at more than once. What a small world!
We took a fifteen minute dinghy ride through the Simpson Bay Lagoon to Marigot on the French side. There we visited shops, had lunch at the marina, and wandered the town. At 17:00 we dinghied back to the St. Maarten Yacht Club at the Dutch entrance to the lagoon. There we got a drink, watched some beautiful boats come into the lagoon at the 17:30 bridge opening, and met Jim Gibbon.
Jim came to the Caribbean in the 1960s and soon became a charter captain in the nascent industry. He ran charter boats for almost forty years, finally retiring on St Maarten, where he could easily be a chamber of commerce or tourist bureau spokesman. We had more than another drink with him at the yacht club and then, at his suggestion, walked a couple of doors over to the local’s pizza parlor – the best pizza ever! There we met Andy (the Dalai Lama) and Melissa van Assen, husband and wife and professional captain and cook on a 120 foot private one-off sailing yacht. Wonderful people, and we discovered we both knew Richard Spindler publisher of Latitude 38. Before the night was out, Jim made arrangements for us to meet him before noon and he’d show us around and we’d join Andy and Melissa for lunch.

We spent a couple of days wandering about Simpson Lagoon, relaxing and enjoying the polyglot culture. Finally we decided to check out of St Maarten and go on up to Grand Case on the French side of the island for our final anchorage.
Grand Case…
02/18-02/21 – We took our dinghy in and checked out of St Maarten first thing in the morning, then dinghied across Simpson Lagoon to Marigot, where we walked through town and checked in to St Martin. We had lunch and then went back across the lagoon and out to Big Foot in Simpson Bay, where we weighed anchored and motor sailed around the southwest end of the island, thence up to Grand Case on the west side of St Martin. We traveled 16.1 nm in three and a half hours under just the jib partially with the engine running, arriving in late afternoon.
We lounged about aboard the boat on Wednesday, and started thinking about packing and getting ready to end the trip. Frankly, we were pretty tired at this point, and going home was looking good, although we didn’t want to leave either.
Oyster Pond…
02/21-02/22 – We motored the two hours into the wind and building seas from Grand Case to Oyster Pond, only about 10 nm. We got through the entrance channel into the pond without mishap, though it was a bit of a ride with ten foot swells pushing us in. Then we fueled up the boat and Sunsail’s staff met us and med-tied the boat in its spot.
Next day, we finished packing, got our things up to the Sunsail office, and finally the Canadians got underway around noon. We caught a taxi and headed off to St Maarten and the airport, where we flew to San Juan, Puerto Rico.
San Juan to California…
02/22-02/23 – We arrived in San Juan around 16:00 and per our plans had a hotel room awaiting us near the airport. We figured breaking up the return flight to California was a smart thing to do. We went into the old city of San Juan for dinner, and then wandered around and ultimately found a nice little place to have desert and coffee outside. It was a nice break in the travel and we had a chance to reminisce about the sailing, which was already beginning to seem like a memory. Next morning we flew out to L.A., and eventually back home to the Bay Area.
Along the way, I was already thinking about the next trip to the Caribbean – a long one, on my own boat, truly living the cruising life. Deb said I’d better bring her along as crew on at least one leg of my journey, and we cast our eyes on future sailing adventures….
For more photos